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Are UK Student Visas going to become easier to get?

By ITS Education Asia

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A recent report by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for International Students has concluded that as a result of the increased regulations and restrictions on gaining a UK student Visas has resulted in a considerable loss of income for the UK Education sector.  It concluded that “International students bring huge benefits, but restrictive policies mean they increasingly go to the US, Canada or Australia,”   A key recommendation is to remove students from immigration targets.  The report says, measures like the ending of post-study work visas in 2012 have contributed to international students opting for competitor countries.  The report recommends that the UK Government enacts the following:

  • a "clear and ambitious" target to grow international student numbers and a commitment to remove them from targets to reduce migration
  • a post-study work visa allowing up to two years of work experience in the UK
  • an EU deal giving unrestricted movement for students and researchers and clarity on funding
  • export earnings from education to be included in trade strategy
  • clear, welcoming and consistent messages to international students
  • employment support for international students in their home countries

To read the full report visit: http://www.exeduk.com/appg-for-international-students/report-a-sustainable-future-for-international-students-in-the-uk


Related article (BBC): Press reset' to win back overseas students

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