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Data science is the new must-have degree - here's how to train people to do it

By ITS Education Asia

As a follow up article a recent ChalkFace posts about the changing face of SE Asia’s workplace, here is an interesting discussion on data science.

A definition of data science: “Data science’s primary aim is to extract insight from data in various forms, both structured and unstructured. It’s a multi-disciplinary field, involving everything from applied mathematics to statistics and artificial intelligence to machine learning. And it’s growing. This is because of advances in computer technology and processing speed, the relatively low cost to store data, and the massive availability of data from the Internet and other sources such as global financial markets.”

According to the article, universities in Asia should be focusing on teaching:

  • Mathematical and computational sciences, including courses in statistical and probability theory, artificial intelligence, machine learning, operations research, and computer science
  • Programming skills
  • Data management skills
  • Subject matter knowledge in selected fields of application
  • Professional problem-solving skills

Data science, as a field, is only going to grow over the coming decades. It is imperative that universities train graduates who can handle enormous tranches of data, work closely with the industries that produce and apply this data – and make data something that can change the world for the better. One hopes the decision makers in Asian universities are listening.

Dulwich College Singapore

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