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Guilt and social pressure making young Hongkongers choose all work and no play

By Gary Hadler

Having been working in the Hong Kong education sector for over 15 years and having much to do with young people, this article came as little surprise to me. The NGO which conducted the quoted research claims that this guilt “is a product of a competitive society that takes dim view of rest.”

The survey found ”About 40 per cent of Hong Kong’s young people feel guilty or fearful when taking breaks from studying or work.” The worrying point of this is that this guilt may be affecting the quality and effectiveness of their work of studies while increasing mental stress. The study also found 44 per cent of respondents said they were suffering from fatigue while trying to manage with studies or work.

The over conclusion is that Hong Kong society need to correct negative views about resting, such as associating it with laziness.

Dulwich College Singapore

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

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