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Sixth forms drop languages A-levels due to 'inadequate' funding

By ITS Education Asia

It seems like modern foreign languages have become part of a vicious cycle. Students are opting not to choose these subjects at A-level due to the difficulty of trying to get a top grade in a new language. As the enrolment numbers are falling, funding is being reduced for these small-class, niche subjects, making it even more difficult to offer them. If parents and students perceive that the subject might not be available through to form six, it could mean that even fewer students will take a risk on a subject like this. This, coupled with the implications of Brexit, is very negative in the UK education context because suddenly having a modern foreign language will become quite rare in the UK. Britain is not the only English speaking country to be in this position. The teaching and learning of modern foreign languages, whether European or Asian languages in Australia, is equally as grim.

In the end, students are disadvantaged because they don’t have the opportunities that students in virtually every non-English speaking country has – to learn their own language and at least one other – often English.

I think that a better approach to this important subject area is needed.

Dulwich College Singapore

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