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IB CAS Hong Kong 

Information about IB tuition at ITS 

International Baccalaureate - IB resources and links 

ITS Education Asia has a long history of supporting IB Diploma students in all areas of the syllabus. ITS students gain higher examination marks, better IA and extended essay grades, and improved theory of knowledge marks. However, while the focus of the diploma is academic, the CAS component is at the core of the IB and we fully support it by hosting a great range of fashion workshops offered at our premises by Fa Fashion Project (however, please check with your school IB coordinator as they are the ones to make the final decision). Click the link for further details of workshops offered at ITS by Fashion Project Hong Kong.


Creativity, activity, service (CAS ) is a mandatory core component of the IB Diploma Programme. It aims to provide a 'counterbalance' to the academic rigour of the educational programme. Students are expected to have a range of activities, to engage in CAS over 18 months and must prove that the CAS activities have resulted in the seven projected outcomes of the project (one CAS activity can have multiple outcomes).

Fashion Project workshops very obviously fit the Creativity component and CAS supervisors will have no problem approving them. Fashion Project has also run fashion shows for the benefit of friends and family. There are opportunities for this to be developed to cover the Service element as well.

Fashion workshops meet the IBDP learning outcomes in the following ways:

Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth - with a range of workshops covering different skills such as design, patternmaking, sewing, CAD, creative strategy and more, students have a good chance to see where their strengths lie and how they can be developed.

Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process - all workshops are hands on, skills-based.

Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience - we offer consultation to guide students in how they do this in relation to the fashion workshops.

Show commitment to, and perseverance in, CAS experiences - designing and making a clothes collection has many components and is a huge challenge which definitely meets this requirement.

Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively   - participate in a fashion show. These are completely run by participants under tutor guidance.

Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance - in collection building, students consider the environmental impacts of their choices and the means of products available so they can reflect on employment practice in the fashion industry.

Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions - this is integral to outcome 6. 6.

Information about IB tuition at ITS

International Baccalaureate - IB resources and links

Dulwich College Singapore

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

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