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The ITS Education Asia Foundation’s core mission is based on bringing sustainability education to all. We do this with a range of in-person and online activities including YCI, UNITAR Youth Ambassador Asia-Pacific Programme and school workshops.

The resources below, launched in 2022, are the first step to building a large and varied library of sustainability information, be they case studies, documents or links to many of the world’s foremost sustainability organizations, big and small. It can be used by anyone researching sustainability be it for school or university studies, or for work. As this grows, we will commit to more complex cross-referencing and indexing. For now, either browse/search the page, or use a quick link to go down to a particular section.

If you have a resource or use a resource that you think should be listed, please do not hesitate to submit to [email protected] with “SDG library” in the subject.

If you would like to link to this resource, please name & credit as follows:
Sustainability & SDG Research Library, The ITS Education Asia Foundation

My thanks at this launch point goes to the UN Systems Staff College and all my fellow course attendees of the “Circular Economy and the 2030 Agenda, 2021” who provided the inspiration and many of the first links.

Danny Harrington, January 2022

Circular Economy:

Circular economy: where are we now and how do we even begin? By Malaysian Investment Development Authority.

Indonesia Circular Economy Forum
Great place to explore content for studies on Indonesia’s circularity progress.

Motivations for a sustainable lifestyle
Interesting overview of how different people find different reasons for following the lifestyles that they do and how this is important for sustainability.

100 smart ways to live sustainably
Useful list in different categories for easy reference

Amazon rainforest and circularity
Published in Nature, the Amazon hosts a large biological and cultural diversity with a deeply established knowledge of natural resource management. Nevertheless, many parts of the Amazon are increasingly urban, lacking basic urban services, such as waste management. In this context, the design of new development pathways based on the principles of the circular economy is a promising alternative to align biodiversity conservation and urban changes. Here, based on an analysis of Carauari municipality in the western Brazilian Amazon, is a discussion on how the principles of the circular economy can be integrated in the Amazonian urban development frontline using the existing co-management organizations.

The Circular Design Guide
Design underpins all circularity. This website provides multiple resources to both understand and begin implementing circular design.

Circular Economy Asia
Variety of resources. Monthly magazine. Country specific Facebook pages. Case studies. Other educational resources.

Catalogue of best practice
Range of business examples from Spain that have been selected for demonstrating best practice in current implementation of circularity for business.

Circular Economy Glossary
Useful page to try and get common language on the topic from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation - Home
Huge news, education and resource site giving access to their work on circular economy.

Life Cycle Initiative
The Life Cycle Initiative is a public-private, multi-stakeholder partnership enabling the global use of credible life cycle knowledge by private and public decision makers hosted by UN Environment. It provides a global forum to ensure a science-based, consensus-building process to support decisions and policies towards the shared vision of sustainability as a public good. It delivers authoritative opinion on sound tools and approaches by engaging its multi-stakeholder partnership (including governments, businesses, scientific and civil society organizations). The Initiative facilitates the application of life cycle knowledge in the global sustainable development agenda in order to achieve global goals faster and more efficiently.

Circle Economy is a not-for-profit organization with a mission is to empower a global community of businesses, cities and governments to accelerate the transition to the circular economy through practical and scalable insights and solutions that address humanity’s greatest challenges.

The Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) is an international nonprofit Think and Do tank that works with businesses, policy makers, partner organisations and civil society towards a good life.

Good listicle of 11 top companies leading the way in circular economy.

FICCI-Circular Economy India[pdf]

Circular Economy: The Kenyan Perspective [pdf]
Kenya has made significant efforts towards transiting to a low carbon and climate resilient economy. This is well spelt out in Kenya's Vision 2030 development agenda and in various laws, policies, plans and projects. The principles of circularity are key to achieving this mission and Kenya is already in transition to a circular economy.

Bioconnections as Enablers of Regenerative Circularity for the Built Environment by Henrique Sala Benites; Osmond, Paul
Learning from nature may be the most important step towards improving cities in the context of environmental and climate issues. However, many of the current approaches to make cities greener or more sustainable are still linear and insufficient to deal with these growing challenges. In this scenario, the adoption of regenerative and circular lenses for the built environment may foster a more holistic development based on what is good rather than what is less bad. In this article, it is proposed that bioconnectivity or bioconnections—a nature-focused approach based on biophilic design, biomimetics, and ecosystem services—may be an important enabler for the regeneration of the ecological and social boundaries of the planetary boundaries and doughnut economics models.

The Circular Economy and Benefits for Society [pdf]

Circular Economy Global Perspective [pdf]

Circular Economy in Industrial Parks Technologies for Competitiveness [pdf]

Circular Economy Plastics India Roadmap [pdf]

Circular economy in travel and tourism [pdf]

River Blue
River Blue is a documentary to link fashion, economy and climate. You can watch it hear & learn more on the cruelties of fashion and clothing around the world. As one of the largest pollutants and GHG emitters, the fashion industry needs to transform and produce more responsibly. But what role do users have?

Circularity in Canada
Circular Economy leadership Canada provides a range of reports and other resources in the areas of: Circular North America; Circular Plastics; Built Environment; Circular Food Systems; Metals and Minerals; Circular Business Leaders.

Manufacturer efforts in tech production
Circularity in Intel’s Semiconductor Manufacturing: Recovery and Reuse - company white paper. Useful for students to see corporate report writing.
Circular Economy in travel & Tourism [pdf]
This paper introduces and explores the potential of Circular Economy inspired ideas and practices to guide a more sustainable, resilient and future-proof development of the travel and tourism industry.

enel – Circular cities: Cities of tomorrow [pdf]

Circular Economy in Europe
Good overview report from the European Environment Agency (EEA)

Towards a Circular Economy Taxation Framework: Expectations and Challenges of Implementation
At school level there is a tendency to focus on what the direct solutions to problems look like e.g. installing water pumps to provide clean water. But financing is a crucial hidden element of sustainability solutions and taxation is a key area of this element as governments are a cornerstone in the transitions required.

Problems with bio-plastic feeding into technical material recycling chains
Great reminder of the challenges facing circular initiatives especially at the material recovery stage.


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