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Australia: 'Digital poverty': emergence of a new kind of poor

By ITS Education Asia

Sad child looking through the window during quarantine Free Photo

A sad reality of the Covid-19 pandemic and the movement to offering services like education online as normal life is curtailed by lockdowns and other restrictions is that the burden has fallen unevenly of different families as this article from the Australian highlights.

From learning to telehealth appointments and working from home, the families without computers, internet online connections or technological knowledge can struggle. The pandemic deepened challenges students already faced, as it has exacerbated family conflict and financial struggles.

The Smith Family spoke to the students and families it supports to learn how the pandemic has shaped their lives, and found many remain disengaged from school, there is deep uncertainty about the future, and mental health is a significant problem.

The problems raised in this article are not unique to Australia and many countries around the world struggle with the pandemic and its uneven effect on children.



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