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Beyonce tells 2020 graduates 'change has started with you'

By ITS Education Asia

This article from CNN is reporting on an emotional speech given by Beyoncé to new graduates exiting education in troubling times. It is always uplifting to see powerful influencers’ giving their time to young people starting out on the next stage of their lives.

Beyoncé gave a moving speech for 2020 graduates over the weekend, telling them "real change has started with you."

"Congratulations to the class of 2020, you have arrived here in the middle of a global crisis, a racial pandemic and worldwide expression of outrage at the senseless killing of yet another unarmed Black human being. And you still made it, we're so proud of you," Beyoncé said in a video address as part of YouTube's "Dear Class of 2020" event.

We all feel for young people around the globe as they face a host of scary issues that have arrived at this point in world history.



Photo / Imager Credit : 

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

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