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Schools offering vegetarian-only lunches forced to make changes after backlash from parents

By ITS Education Asia

ChalkFace like to share articles from around the globe that are showing efforts to improve children’s health and tackle growing problems like obesity, so this article from The Independent caught our attention as efforts from some schools to change to a more healthy vegetarian diet have been met with parentalal backlash.

A backlash from parents has forced schools to make changes to their plans to give pupils vegetarian-only lunches. Families complained about a lack of food choice for students after they said their children were hungry.  

One school has even introduced a meat option after some parents claimed their daughters were coming home “starving” and were going to McDonald’s because they did not want to eat their lunch. 

Schools have not only been making these changes for health reasons but also because vegetarian meals have a smaller impact on the environment.

What do you think? Are vegetarian only meals at school a good idea or not?


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