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Schools to teach children about fake news and 'confirmation bias'

By ITS Education Asia

UK education secretary Damian Hinds, as a part of an effort to help students differentiate between factual news and fake news, recently announced that every child in the UK will learn about confirmation bias and online risks as a compulsory part of the curriculum. He said that the proliferation of false information sources can “destroy trust, damage learning culture, and sap curiosity.” 

School teachers need to better prepare pupils of the risks posed by “fake news” and disinformation online. Teachers will have to help children learn to evaluate what they see online, how to recognise techniques used for persuasion, how to identify potential risks and how and when to seek support. 

The aim is, in part, to enable children “to recognise and respond to ‘fake news’ more effectively and to differentiate between misinformation and disinformation.”

This seems like a great idea. Maybe something similar can be considered in Hong Kong. What do you think?

Dulwich College Singapore

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