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Universities call to keep European research links

By ITS Education Asia

So Brexit has finally happened, and the ramifications are now likely to start. UK Universities are asking to keep the research links to European universities even after the 12 month transition period.

As reported in this article from the BBC website “As the UK leaves the European Union, 36 higher education groups have called for a "swift agreement" to allow UK universities to rejoin EU research networks and Erasmus student exchanges.”

The statement, issued by representatives of university, research and science groups across Europe, says it would be of "clear mutual benefit" for UK universities to have "full association" with European research projects. The universities' representatives want a deal to be reached by the end of the year on UK participation in research projects.

Brexit is likely to have major ramifications for both secondary and tertiary educational intuitions in Britain. We will now all just have to wait and see what agreements can be reached.


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