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Youth Mental Health: Corona's Long Term Impact

By Ruth Puentespina

A lot of articles focusing on self-care amid the current pandemic focus on mental health and the importance of maintaining it at home and in the work place, but not a lot has been published about the long term effects of Corona on the mental health of children and adolescents.

Despite the assumption that young people are more connected to their friends despite social distancing rules, this is not the case; as we know, social media is a double edged sword where one can feel simultaneously involved and isolated from friends and loved one.

Particularly for graduating students of high schools and universities who are exiting a structured environment into a very volatile world, mental resilience and educational preparedness go hand in hand. Young people must be included in the decision making process, particularly in decisions that involve them - and this means including them in discussions that will be help them readjust to the new normal we currently live in.



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